
The countries referred to in this publication are not offshore countries and moreover they are not part of any European Union list or international money laundering organization.
The shareholding structure of these companies is established in accordance with the rules and laws of these countries, and no law or instruction of the Albanian legal framework does not prevent the bank from doing business with them.
The findings of the authorities in their reports are of an administrative nature for which the bank has objected and is in a juridical process in the Administrative Court.
The Bank reserves all rights to preserve the integrity and reputation of the institution and its customers.

Tirana, Albania (29 November 2018) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare has won "The Bank of the Year in Albania for 2018” by "The Banker". Regarded as the industry standard for banking excellence, The Banker’s “Bank of the Year” awards were once again contested by the world's leading financial institutions. The award was accepted by BKT’s Chairman Mr. Mehmet Usta and CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil during the gala dinner held in London on November 29th, 2018.

In his acceptance speech at the event, Mr. Mehmet Usta, said he was delighted to receive “The Best Bank in Albania” award for the ninth year, noting that this award confirms BKT leadership position within the Albanian Banking system. BKT is one of the most valuable Albanian brands, and it is our commitment to make this brand even better, by driving growth and development, creating new economic opportunities for citizens and communities all over the country and inspiring new generations of bankers. He continued adding that: “At BKT we understand the long hours, fortitude, perseverance, and vision necessary to create such a success and I really appreciative that such a hard work has not gone unnoticed”.

CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, added that: “On behalf of BKT employees, I thank you for this wonderful award. Their dedication and excellence earned this honor for our company”. He continued: We are following ambidextrous approach by continuously investing on technology to be innovation pioneer and at the same time by preserving the inheritance and glory of the oldest bank in Albania. We are always proven wrong when we think that we can rest on our laurels, which takes us to the conclusion that we can never take our future prosperity for granted. That’s why we need to keep our ongoing dedication to the highest standards of excellence.”

Together with the “Bank of the year in Albania” award by The Banker, BKT again this year completed major awards in the banking industry, receiving formerly "The Best Bank in Albania" by “EMEA Finance” and AAA (Alb) by JCR Eurasia Rating.

Established in 1925 BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 3.9 billion USD and total deposits of 3 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 94 branches, out of which 67 are located in Albania and 27 in Kosovo.

For more information, please refer to:

Tirana, Albania (November 5, 2018) - "Aleksandër Moisiu" University Durrës (UAMD) organized the graduation ceremony of the students of the Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice (FASTIP). The ceremony was held in Durrës, in the new premises of the UAMD campus. The 11-year collaboration between BKT and FASTIP reveals year after year the success of this unique education system in Albania. Among all the representatives of public and private institutions, partners with FASTIP Program, the ceremony was attended by the Rector of Aleksandër Moisiu University Durrës, Mrs. Kseanela Sotirofski, Director of the Individual Banking Group Mr. Fatih Karlı, Director of the Human Resources Department, Mrs. Ariana Tushi, etc. During her welcome speech, Mrs. Sotirofski, was very happy that UAMD auditors are not only educating students but also professionals, separating FASTIP students from all graduates across the country. "Any easy path is certainly not worth pursuing. Do not be discouraged from the hard start, be sure that you will achieve a lot, and we will be here to watching and applauding for all your successes. " Further, Mrs. Tushi added that we are happy to be back together in this Graduation Ceremony of the Students of the Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice. Based on the successful German model of dual studies, only students of this faculty have the great privilege of combining theoretical knowledge with learning through practical programs in banks and businesses.

"We proudly note that over the years BKT has been and remains the main partner of FASTIP for realizing the dream of the youngest generation in preparing future employees/bankers with contemporary European education.

BKT supports FASTIP for the participation of foreign lecturers and experts in the academic program, which brings the difference in student education in relation to all public universities in Albania. I believe that a special pleasure, given from BKT to the students - graduates and their parents for this year 2018 - was the employment of the entire senior year group of 16 students in the period July - September 1st, much earlier than graduating!

BKT will continue to remain a serious partner, supporting the successful dual studies model at FASTIP, contributing to the younger generation’s (Zeta) professional formation, their employment, professional career development and life in our country. " During these years, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare has supported, sponsored and educated through this program 184 students in Bachelor Degree in Banking Management: 126 graduates are employed directly after graduation and 37 students are attending studies in this academic year 2018 - 2019. Already, 11% of the staff Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (101 employees) are graduated from FASTIP, giving their contribution to the success of the bank, pursuing personal career paths, from the respected position of Teller to Branch Director, Assistant Manager of Department, Operations Manager, Auditor, etc. Banka Kombëtare Tregtare and "Aleksandër Moisiu" University Durrës, during the 11-year experience of this public-private partnership program, work together as serious partners for the consolidation, increase and success of the Bachelor Degree Program.

FASTIP offers bachelor studies integrated with professional practice by alternating every 3 months academic education with professional practice programs in bank/business, and to all the successful students is offered their employment immediately after graduation from partner institutions.

JCR Eurasia Rating reaffirms AAA (Alb) to BKT for the 10th time in a row

Tirana, Albania (20 June, 2018) - JCR-Eurasia Rating evaluated Banka Kombetare Tregtare (BKT) in a high-level investment category and affirmed Long Term National Credit Rating as ‘AAA (Alb)’ and Short Term National Credit Rating as ‘A-1+ (Alb)’, with ‘Stable’ outlooks on both ratings. The ratings on the Long Term International Foreign and Local Currency are affirmed as ‘BBB-’, one notch above the country ceiling level.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world. AAA (Alb) stands for the highest possible evaluation within local market, showing that BKT is keeping its position as the most important player in the Albanian banking sector.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT maintains the position of the largest bank in the system with respect to assets, loans, deposits and net profit size criteria. The leading factors in the differentiation of BKT from the Sector and in the affirmation of the Bank’s Long Term National Ratings as ‘AAA (Alb)’ are: the broad deposit base with a favorable maturity structure, high internal profitability ratios and effective operating cost management, sufficient capitalization, significant position within the Albanian banking system and market leader position, a relatively low rate of problematic receivables vis-a-vis the Sector with widespread problem, in addition to strong corporate governance framework and level of compliance.

BKT, having the broadest branch network of the Sector, emphasizes the importance of spreading alternative distribution channels such as ATMs, internet and mobile banking in order to increase the quality of customer service. As always, a pioneer in implementing technological innovations, driven by customer requirements, BKT has turned its focus to digital banking channels with a banking approach that emphasizes risk-centered, productive, profitability and leading services. EMEA FINANCE AWARDS BKT AS THE BEST BANK IN ALBANIA FOR THE EIGHTH TIME

Tirana, Albania – The Awards continue to reflect the success of Banka Kombëtare Tregtare in the Albanian banking sector. BKT has been awarded for the eighth consecutive year “The Best Local Bank in Albania for 2017” from the prestigious British financial magazine EMEA Finance, that awards each year best banks and financial institutions. EMEA finance emphasized that the best of the best are those financial institutions who embrace the changing environment and landscape, recognizing that BKT seized the moment and continued to restructure, reinvent, and retool for the year ahead and future challenges both anticipated and unforeseen.

Established in 1925 BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 3.7 billion USD and total deposits of 2.9 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 94 branches, out of which 67 are located in Albania and 27 in Kosovo. BANKA KOMBËTARE TREGTARE SUPPORTS THE "GREEN REVOLUTION" INITIATIVE OF TIRANA MUNICIPALITY

Tirana, Albania (05th April 2018) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) joined Tirana’s Municipality initiative for afforestation of Tirana, sponsoring a tree planting project in the Artificial Lake area. In the inauguration ceremony organized for this occasion, participated BKT CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil and Mayor of Tirana, Mr. Erjon Veliaj.

Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, congratulated the Municipality of Tirana and in particular Mr. Veliaj for these kinds of initiatives that are changing the mentality of our citizens, making them an active part of the greening program so that they can fully understand the meaningfulness of protecting the environment they are living in. Environmental sustainability has always been an important part of BKT social corporate responsibility policy. At BKT we strongly believe that big changes are starting with such small steps. Also, Mr. Pencabligil wishes that this initiative continues until 1 million trees are planted in Tirana.

Mr. Erion Veliaj, expressed his gratitude to BKT noting the donations made over the years to improve the living conditions in the community. "Thank you very much for the donation. I know that there are many needs in Albania, but donation is something that will remain for the city. I sincerely thank you and your customers because I believe that your bank’s ethos and ethics reflect the value of your customers. The fact that you are investing in trees makes all your customers feel like they are part of this activity".

Established in 1925 BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 3.7 billion USD and total deposits of 2.9 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 94 branches, out of which 67 are located in Albania and 27 in Kosovo.

For more information, please refer to:


Tirana, Albania (March 28, 2018) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) has now been supporting the tradition of "Work & Study" fair for several years, to be as close as possible to the labor and study market. The 9th edition of this fair is organized by Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry in partnership with the Municipality of Tirana and the Ministry of Education and Sports, on 28-29-30 March 2018 in the premises of the Palace of Congress.

During his opening speech, Mayor Mr. Erion Veliaj said: "I want to thank those who continue and return to the fair, meaning that it has appeared, so for companies it is not a time spent or money spent lounge. For all those who follow us, prepare CVs and let's have a walk since no one will come to offer jobs in the coffee bar."

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, with its 94 branch network in Albania and Kosovo, is proud of the motivated and professional team that has left its mark on its success. Through the "Work & Study" fair, BKT invites all interested people to apply for various professional practices and vacancies to continue their journey towards individual and corporate success. ALBANIAN DEPOSIT INSURANCE AGENCY SELECTS BANKA KOMBËTARE TREGTARE AS THE FIRST AGENT BANK IN THE PRELIMINARY LIST FOR THE DEPOSIT COMPENSATION PROCESS

Tirana, Albania (24th January 2018) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) was ranked first in the short preliminary list of only 3 banks, selected from Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ADIA) as Agent Banks for carrying out the deposit compensation process.

ADIA, on 24.07.2017, initiated the procedure of selecting the preliminary list of agent banks by inviting all banks belonging to the deposit insurance scheme. At the end of the evaluation process, ADIA Management Council came up with the decision Nr. 23, dated 03 October 2017, in compliance with all selecting criteria, where BKT was ranked first in the short preliminary list of 3 banks. Following this process, BKT and ADIA have successfully finalized all the details and on 24 January 2018, BKT CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil and ADIA General Director Mr. Genci Mamani, signed the contract for the execution of the deposit process.

This new initiative of ADIA indicates ones more that the banking system is building the necessary mechanisms and infrastructure for the consolidation of the financial sector’s stability and the resilience of the banking system in case of any unexpected situation or potential failure in the future.

The Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency was established in 2002 and performs its activity under Law no. 53/2014, dated 22.05.2014 "On Deposit Insurance", amended. ADIA administers the deposit insurance scheme, which is currently mandatory for all second-tier banks and cover up to the amount 2,500,000 (two million five hundred thousand) ALL .

Established in 1925 BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 3.6 billion USD and total deposits of 2.9 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 93 branches, out of which 67 are located in Albania and 26 in Kosovo.

For more information, please refer to:


Vienna, Austria (17 January, 2018) – On 16-17 January 2018, Euromoney Conferences, in its 23rd installment of its Central and Eastern Europe Forum, was attended by over 1,100 government representatives, policy makers, financial intermediaries, business leaders and investors. This Forum is considered as one of the best networking events for anyone with an interest in Central and Eastern Europe.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, sponsored and organized for the third consecutive year, the Albania Roundtable “Mobilizing finance for further growth”, with the participation of Governor of Bank of Albania, Mr. Gent Sejko, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy, Mr. Erjon Luçi, Managing Director of Finance-In-Motion Ms. Elvira Lefting and BKT CEO and Board Member, Mr Seyhan Pencabligil.

Mr. Pencabligil, underlined that although the estimated growth of 3.8 per cent in 2017 is quite an achievement in this low-growth environment, Albania and Balkan Region economy need to grow much faster to see the prosperity in a short and reasonable period of time. He highlighted that this could be achieved by mobilizing the finances available in the banking system, considered too liquid and over capitalized, to match the investments required to upgrade the country. He continued adding that financing the government initiatives for Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects, with the support of Central Bank of Albania, and the de-euroisation politics of the central bank may help in increasing lending with a positive impact in the overall economic growth.

Ms. Lefting confirmed that in Albania, unlike the other countries in the region, theoretically there is enough funding, excluding the financial part as a problem and highlighting that much more effort must go into not financial issues. She focused on the fact that may be Albania is not critical enough for having the right attention from the international community and added the important role that the international community has in guiding and supporting Albania in its road to success through long term strategies. She considered training and consultancy on long term sustainability topics/areas as crucial for the future of the Albania growth and development.

Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy, Mr. Luçi, showed optimism on the actual and future economic growth of Albania, listing some of the major reforms that the government has undertaken through different sectors. He added that economic indicators are slowly returning in the pre-crisis levels which is quite positive, showing that Albania is in the right direction, but also admitted that there are still a lot of challenges ahead that requires time and patience. He continued listing some of the important actual PPP projects taking place in the country that will influence positively in the economic growth and invited the investors confirming that the government has the intention to continue with other PPP projects which will have quality returns and are based on a long term sustainability.

The Governor Mr. Sejko, after making a short brief of Albania financial and economic history during these 27 years of democracy, underlined the fact that the Albanian government has undertaken different reforms to diversify the economic growth, canalizing the investments on different sectors that present high potential and low risk. He affirmed that the Albania economic growth indicators are optimistic considering the global economic situation and that banking and financial sector plays a crucial role in the country development and economic growth. He continued saying that the actual banking system is overcapitalized with almost 4 billion euro free that must be translated in investments, underling this as the actual challenge of Albania where all the interested actors must work together to grow business. He highlighted the decrease of non-performing loans (NPL) which must be the trend also in the coming years.

The roundtable was very successful, gaining the attention of all the participants with questions toward the panelists. Furthermore, the investors and financial institutions from Albania who attended the conference had a great opportunity to meet with representatives from different countries, exchanging insights about current financial situations in their markets and setting up business relationships.


Tirana, Albania (30 November 2017) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) has won "The Bank of the Year in Albania for 2017” by "The Banker", one of the most prestigious financial magazines. The Banker’s awards continue to set the benchmark for the industry and BKT is proud to receive for the eighth time one of the most significant accolades in financial services industry. The ceremony was held in London on November 29th, 2017.

Mr. Mehmet Usta, chairman of BKT, emphasized that: “The Bank of the Year in Albania award, for the eighth year, is a fantastic endorsement of the exceptional performance that BKT has achieved during these years. This accolade comes as a pleasant assurance that we have not been erring in terms of decisions and actions. I congratulate all our employees for their tremendous efforts required to make BKT the great bank we know it to be”.

The CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, added that: “Being recognized for our performance on the international stage during so many years is a remarkable achievement, and I am extremely grateful to each of our dedicated employees who have made this possible. As long as we will continue being close to our customers, understanding their needs and adapting our vision and strategy in line with this comprehension, I strongly believe that we will keep growing and receiving all major awards in the banking industry".

Together with the “Bank of the year in Albania” award by The Banker, BKT again this year complete all three major awards in the banking industry, receiving formerly "The Best Bank in Albania" by “Euromoney” and “EMEA Finance”.

Established in 1925 BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 3.5 billion USD and total deposits of 2.9 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 93 branches, out of which 67 are located in Albania and 26 in Kosovo.

For more information, please refer to: FASTIP Graduation Ceremony Tiranë, Albania (November 16th 2017) - “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës (UAMD) organized the graduation ceremony for Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice students. The ceremony was held in Durrës, at “Horizont” Hotel premises.

This academic year corresponds with the 10th anniversary of the establishment of FASTIP and the cooperation of the Banka Kombëtare Tregtare with "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës.

In ceremony participated the Rector of UAMD, Ms Kseanela Sotirofski, BKT CEO and Board Member Mr Seyhan Pencabligil and representatives of other public and private partner institutions with the FASTIP Program.

During her speech Ms Sotirofski expressed her gratitude to the businesses for their special contribution and immeasurable care in realizing and supporting this project, without which all these achievements in these 10 years of cooperation would not have been possible.

During his speech, Mr. Pencabligil said: I am very happy to have been together with you during the 10-year period of the FASTIP journey, this unique faculty in the education system in Albania. Based on the German model of dual studies, only students of this faculty have the great privilege of combining theoretical professional knowledge in the academic process, with learning through practical programs in banks and businesses. He continued his speech that in the future, BKT will remain a serious partner, supporting the successful FASTIP dual model, contributing not only to professional training of the new generation but also to the employment of the new generation to build their lives in our country.

It is my pleasure to note that 9% of BKT's banking staff are FASTIP graduates, who are highly committed, contributing to banks success and have implemented various career paths based on merit and performance, starting from Teller's respected position up to in their promotion as Branch Manager, Operations Manager, Auditor, etc.

In this ceremony, have been graduated 26 students, 13 of them were honored and pleased to be able to get their work contracts along with their diplomas, to be employed in the vacant job positions at BKT. Dear customers,

We would like to inform that starting from November 22nd 2017 there will be changes regarding the minimum repayment amount of PRIMA credit card. For all cardholders, minimum payment will change from 30% into 25%.

This change, which will be automatically updated, will be applied as follows:

For cardholders that have chosen first cycle will enter into force on statement generation on November 22nd 2017.
For cardholders that have chosen second cycle will enter into force on statement generation on December 6th 2017.
Thank you for your understanding!


Tirana, Albania (6th July 2017) – In recognition of its exceptional performance and leadership in the banking market, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded "The Best Bank in Albania" for the sixth time in a row from Euromoney Magazine, one of the top financial publications in the world. The award was submitted to Mr. Mehmet Usta, chairman of BKT, at the annual Awards for Excellence that took place in London on July 6th, 2017.

Mr. Usta, said in a speech accepting the award: “The Best Bank in Albania award, for the sixth consecutive year, is an indicator to the exceptional performance of BKT and our commitment to serve our clients in this market consistently over so many years. It is very difficult to get to the top, but it’s much harder to stay for a long time, which make us very proud to be here again. We are thankful to all our clients and employees of the Bank for their support in receiving this prestigious award once again. I strongly believe that our ongoing dedication to the highest standards of excellence will maintain BKT leadership in the coming years .”

Established in 1925 BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 3.1 billion USD and total deposits of 2.4 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 93 branches, out of which 67 are located in Albania and 26 in Kosovo.

For more information, please refer to:

Tiranë, Albania (July 3, 2017) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) aims to provide an excellent service to all customers as well to be transparent with them.

For more information regarding Terms and Conditions that will be updated on 18 July 2017, please follow the link: Terms Conditions


Vienna, Austria (June, 2017) – The Awards continue to reflect the success of Banka Kombëtare Tregtare in the Albanian banking sector. BKT has been awarded for the sixth consecutive year “The Best Local Bank in Albania for 2016” from the prestigious British financial magazine EMEA Finance. EMEA Finance, one of the most important financial magazines in the world which follows developments in the financial markets in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa, awards each year best banks and financial institutions.

As in the previous years, BKT reconfirms the right way that our bank is following in terms of high quality service, technological innovations, expansion, financial stability and high profitability.

This award testifies that BKT is the leader of the market in quality, management and service innovation, and the expertise to support and expand its clientele.

BKT, established in 1925, is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 3.1 billion USD and total deposits of 2.4 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 93 branches, out of which 67 are located in Albania and 26 in Kosova.

JCR Eurasia Rating reaffirms AAA (Alb) to BKT for the ninth time in a row

(Tirana, 12 June, 2017) - JCR-Eurasia Rating has evaluated Banka Kombetare Tregtare (BKT) in a high-level investment category and affirmed its ratings on the Long Term National Scale as ‘AAA (Alb)’ along with a ‘Stable’ outlook. The ratings on the Long Term International Foreign and Local Currency Scales have been affirmed at the investment grade level of ‘BBB-’, one notch above the country ceiling level, along with a ‘Stable” outlook.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world. AAA (Alb) stands for the highest possible evaluation within local market, showing that BKT is keeping its position as the largest bank and most reliable and financially strong bank in Albania.

JCR-ER has observed that with a 27.23% market share based on asset size, BKT dominates the Albanian banking sector as the largest Bank. BKT outperformed the sector averages in all core banking activity fields such as assets, loans, deposits, equity and net profit size, strengthening the 1st rank positions. In accordance with the previous years, above sector average profitability indicators, a highly dispersed deposit profile with a high roll-over rate, above sector-average growth, significantly below sector average non-performing loans level and consistently rising market share have been the leading factors in the differentiation of BKT from the Sector and in the affirmation of the Bank’s Long Term National Ratings.

BKT enjoys the largest branch network in the Albanian Banking sector, integrated with the effective utilization of alternative distribution channels including ATM, internet and mobile banking. As always, a pioneer in implementing technological innovations, driven by customer requirements, BKT has turned its focus to digital banking channels with a banking approach that emphasizes risk-centered, productive, profitability and leading services.


Tirana, Albania (May 18, 2017) - BKT supported the Work & Study Fair organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry in partnership with the Municipality of Tirana and Sport & Education Ministry in the context of supporting and encouraging employment participated in the fair held at Palace of Congress from 18-20 May.

This fair, which is organized with the special interest of the Mayor of Tirana Municipality Mr. Erion Veliaj and Sport & Education Minister, Mrs. Lindita Nikolla is an important opportunity for the linkage of education with the labor market.

During his opening speech Mr. Erion Veliaj underlined that: “Employment is one of the most discussed arguments in the last years. The entrepreneurs today are focusing in what is called orientation and result. Today the mentality has changed, to find the best, to promote the best and to have a positive result in any entrepreneurship nevertheless it is public or private.

During her speech the Education Minister, Lindita Nikolla, said that “This fair is a history of success, which provides the linkage of education with what tomorrow will be the success of labor market. The fair is important for the youth, for the entrepreneurs and for the high education institutions. The Ministry of Education has cooperated with all the high education institutions in a way that our auditors should not certify unemployed youth, but to come as closer as they can with the labor market.

BKT, the oldest commercial bank in the country with a network of 93 branches, supports and develops for many years programs which are focused in the decrease of unemployment in the country.

BKT offers employment opportunities for different positions in banking sector as well as internships for students. ÇOROVODA BRANCH INAUGURATION CEREMONY

Tiranë, Albania (7 April, 2017) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) organized the inauguration ceremony of its newest branch “Dega Çorovodë”. The ceremony was attended by, the Speaker of Parliament Mr. Ilir Meta, Mayor of Çorovodë Municipality Mr. Nesim Spahiu, BKT CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, Parliament members representing the region, Local Government representatives, as well as customers, business owners, and community leaders.

The participants were welcomed by the Mayor of Çorovodë Municipality, Mr. Spahiu, who congratulated with BKT for the investment and offering such an opportunity to the citizens of Çorovodë and of Skrapar region.

In his address, the Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Meta, highlighted the economic developments of Skrapar region and the new opportunities and support that BKT, through qualitative and professional services, will offer to local entrepreneurs, giving a positive effect to the economic development in the region.

Mr. Pencabligil, added that: “Beside offering a diverse large range of products and services, BKT strongly believes in the country actual economic stability and prospect, which encourage us, unlike our competitors, to enlarge BKT presence in the Albanian territory”. He expressed his personal gratitude to Mr. Spahiu for the full support in realizing this investment and added that “I am confident, based on our previous experiences, that this investment will provide huge benefits for the local economy and for all the region citizens.”

Established in 1925, BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania, with a value of 3.1 billion USD in asset and 2.4 billion USD is deposits. BKT serves its customers through a network of 93 branches, out of which 67 branches in Albania and 26 branches in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region.


Tiranë, Albania (March 29th, 2017) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) in the framework of supporting to promote and support the creation of new job vacancies takes part in the Labor Fair 2017, organized by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth and National Employment service, in the premises of Palace of Congresses from 29-31 March 2017. This fair, of particular interest for the Prime Minister Mr. Edi Rama and Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Mrs. Olta Xhaçka, is an opportunity where concrete effort of employers and employees find useful ways of filling the vacancies.

BKT, the oldest commercial bank in the country with a network of 93 branches, since many years, supports and develops programs that are focused on reducing unemployment in the country. These programs ensure support for the youth and aim creating opportunities for them to re-enter in the labor market.

During her speech, the Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Mrs. Olta Xhaçka underlined that: “Employment is one of the most persistent arguments for years, not just as a need for each one of us, but also a prime need of a society that seeks to move forward. The importance of this event is shown today by the participation of more than 80 companies, which have declared about 5,000 job vacancies”.

BKT offers employment opportunities for different positions in the banking sector and working practices for the students. Turkey-Albania Agricultural Business Forum

Tirana, Albania (March 28th, 2017) - In the framework of the one-day visit in Albania, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock H.E. Faruk ÇELİK participated in Turkey-Albania Agricultural Business Forum at Plaza Hotel in Tirana.

The Turkey-Albania Agricultural Business Forum was attended by various entrepreneurs of the sector from both countries and Personalities like Turkey Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock H.E. Faruk ÇELİK, Albanian Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Administration H.E Edmond Panariti, BKT’s Chairman Mr. Mehmet Usta as the President of DEİK\Turkey-Albania Business Council (DEİK stands for The Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey), TOBB Member of the Board of Directors, Mr. Faik Yavuz (TOBB stands for The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey).

Mr. Mehmet Usta, during his speech in the forum, stated that Turkey has been and remains Albania’s strategic partner in the region and beyond. He added that agriculture is a key economic sector in countries bordering the Mediterranean and Albania offers a great opportunity to foreign investors via its legal framework and economy, emphasizing the importance of the free trade agreement between two countries. I believe we can develop efficient projects to improve agricultural production and cooperation; we can transfer know-how for advanced technologies in agriculture, irrigation and greenhouse systems to contribute Albanian Agriculture sector. As a corporate investor representing the Çalik Holding, we are sharing our positive opinions and advising to Turkish companies to invest in Albania.

He concluded that as the Chairman of BKT, we have a special agreement with Turkish Exim (Export-Import) Bank to finance Turkish and Albanian businessmen to increase investment, trade and business volume between the countries. It may give many opportunities to investors considering to make investment in Albania.

In the framework of this Forum, Banka Kombetare Tregtare (BKT), organized a friendly meeting with representatives and investors from both countries in the premises of Plaza Hotel, offering a further opportunity to participants to exchange insights and set up business relationships. Tirana, Albania (March 28th, 2017) – Global Money Week is a worldwide money celebration that focuses in the raise of awareness of students to well-manage their finances for a safe future, keeping in mind the opportunities offered in Albania.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare supporting Global Money Week, evaluated and financially supported “If we were Bankers” competition with the best students of the Finance Department of Economic Faculties of some chosen Universities.

The best students of Finance-Bank Department introduced in front of the jury a financial offer for Hydro Power Plant Company. The three teams from each university acted like the bank ,meanwhile the jury with rapresentative of AAB, BKT and the Universities acted like the company that did selected the best offer.

At the end of the competition were issued various prices according to the categories for the:

* Winning team,
* Three best speakers,
* and for all the participants.

Vienna, Austria (19 January, 2017) – On 17-18 January 2017, Euromoney Conferences, in its 22nd installment of its Central and Eastern Europe Forum, was attended by over 1,000 policymakers, corporate leaders, financiers and investors. Often described as one of the best networking events for anyone with an interest in Central and Eastern Europe, The Forum was an excellent opportunity for the investors and policy makers, from both inside and outside the region, to gather and share insights, as well as discuss the outlook for the CEE economies in the year ahead.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, sponsored and organized for the second consecutive year, the Albania Roundtable “Albania’s Progression Towards Becoming the Fastest Growing Economy in the Balkans for 2017”, with the participation of Minister of Finance, H.E Arben Ahmetaj, First Deputy Governor of Bank of Albania, Ms. Elisabeta Gjoni, President of Black Sea Trade & Development Bank, Mr. Ihsan Ugur Delikanli and BKT CEO and Board Member, Mr Seyhan Pencabligil.

During the roundtable, Mr. Pencabligil, made a short overview of some Albania’s economic and financial indicators, showing optimism about the last improvements and positive developments in the country. He was positive about the banking system, having a capitalized adequacy ratio of nearly 16%, and highlighted the latest initiative of Albania government, Public Private Partnership (PPP), promoted by Prime Minister, Mr. Rama, recently talking about a pipeline of PPP-s in a value of nearly 1 billion euro in the next 3 years, which the Albanian banking system is ready to embrace and finance.

The Minister of Finance, Mr. Ahmetaj, confirmed that Albania has entered a long positive economic trend, predicting a 3.7-3.8% of GDP growth in the 2017, strongly believing that through PPP’s instruments, mainly in the sectors of infrastructure, education and health, the country will reach a different level and go up to 6% of GDP growth. He continued listing some of the most important reforms started from the actual government in different areas as energy, territorial, public administration, business climate and justice. He invited the foreign investors, underlining that the foreign direct investments (FDI) in Albania are 9.2% of GDP, which is a record compared to some of the region countries, and highlighting the progress made from Albania in the international rankings as doing business and paying taxes reports.

The First Deputy Governor of Bank of Albania, Ms. Gjoni, focused on explaining the main trends of the recent progress in Albania, the growth drivers and the outlook of the Albanian economy in the year to come. She underlined that Albania has been one of the better performers in the region, both before and after the crisis, analyzing the main pillars of the growth drivers. She added that the outlook for Albania is stable in medium terms, being in a positive trajectory and on a clear path of EU convergence. She concluded saying that the reforms and policies undertaken from the government will pay the way for the progression of Albania towards becoming faster growing country in the region.

Mr. Delikanli, added that Albania was one of the countries of the Black Sea region showing a positive trend despite of the neighbor state environment in the years of crisis. He underlined the strong partnership between Albania and Black Sea Trade & Development Bank (BSTDB), emphasizing that there is still room for improvement and on the 2015- 2018, BSTDB intends to provide approximately more than € 100 million. He continued, showing the BSTDB readiness to be involved in the financing of PPP projects, having a similar experience in other countries like Turkey and Greece.

The roundtable was very successful, gaining the attention of all the participants with questions toward the panelists. Furthermore, the investors and financial institutions from Albania who attended the conference had a great opportunity to meet with representatives from different countries, exchanging insights about current financial situations in their markets and setting up business relationships. BKT EXPANDS BRANCH NETWORK

Tirana, Albania (December 22, 2016) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) is proud to present its newest branch, reaching a total of 92 branches, out of which 66 branches in Albania and 26 branches in Kosova.

Dega “Çorovodë” will provide all the range of products and services to all BKT clients.

Contacts of the branch are as below:

Address: Lagjja ” Çlirim ” Rruga Dëshmorët, Çorovodë.

FASTIP Graduation Ceremony

Tirana, Albania (13 December 2016) – University “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës (UAMD) organized the graduation ceremony for the students of the Faculty of Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP). The ceremony took place in Durres, at hotel “Harmonia”, on 13th December, 2016.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) is a key partner for FASTIP at UAMD, and has contributed massively during these 9 years in this unique program of Public - Private Partnership, between the Albanian and German Government, UAMD and Albania Business Partners.

In the ceremony participated, Rector of the UAMD, Mrs. Kseanela Sotirofski, BKT CEO and Board Member, Mr Seyhan Pencabligil, Local Government representative, as well as representatives of the partners supporting the program.

During the ceremony, Mrs. Sotirofski, in occasion of the 10th Anniversary of UAMD, conferred the honorific title “Doctor Honorius Causa” to Mr. Pencabligil. During her speech, Mrs. Sotirofski

express her gratitude to Mr. Pencabligil for his special contribution and immeasurable care in realizing and supporting this project, without which all these achievements would not have been possible.

Mr. Pencabligil, in his speech accepting the title, said “I'm honored to be here tonight, and very privileged and grateful to be the recipient of such an important recognition. I thank all of You for this memorable surprise, received in this beautiful graduation ceremony for the students of FASTIP”. He congratulated the students for such an achievement highlighting that: “The students of FASTIP must feel privileged for being part of such a unique faculty in Albania, where practice and theory are integrated during all the academic path”. He concluded his speech, emphasizing that “Banka Kombëtare Tregtare will continue to support FASTIP, not only in Albania but also in Kosovo, doing everything for the progress of integrated studies in FASTIP, now and in the future, making it a real success story of higher education. BKT, until now, has employed 97 FASTIP’s graduates (9% of actual BKT employees), sponsored 154 students, 44 students attending this academic year”.


Tirana, Albania (December, 2016) – In recognition of its exceptional performance and leadership in the banking market, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare won "The Bank of the Year in Albania for 2016" award from one of the most prestigious financial magazines, "The Banker", which is published by Financial Times. The award was submitted to BKT’s Chairman Mr. Mehmet Usta at the annual Bank of the Year awards ceremony that took place in London on December 7th, 2016. This is the seventh time that BKT receives this most respected award in the financial service industry.

Mr. Mehmet Usta, chairman of BKT, said in a speech accepting the award: “The Best Bank in Albania award, for the seventh year, is an indicator to the exceptional performance that BKT has achieved across its core businesses in the country. We are thankful to all our clients and employees of the Bank for their support in receiving this prestigious award once again. I strongly believe that our ongoing dedication to the highest standards of excellence will maintain BKT leadership in the years to come.”

The CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, added that: “We are delighted to receive this award for the seventh time, which recognizes our commitment to serve our clients in this market consistently over so many years. It also deepens our current motivation to continue investing in our reputation and enabling us to serve our customers even better.”

Together with the “Bank of the year in Albania” award by The Banker, BKT again this year complete all three major awards in the banking industry, receiving formerly "The Best Bank in Albania" by “Euromoney” and “EMEA Finance”.

About The Banker

The Banker is one of the world's premier banking and finance resource, providing global financial intelligence since 1926 and is currently celebrating its 90th anniversary. The Banker is read in over 180 countries and is the key source of data and analysis for the industry, ranking banks from 1970.

About BKT

Established in 1925 BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 3.1 billion USD and total deposits of 2.4 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 91 branches, out of which 65 are located in Albania and 26 in Kosovo.

For more information, please refer to:

JCR Eurasia Rating evaluate BKT with AAA (Alb) for Corporate Governance Tirana, Albania (November 25, 2016) - JCR Eurasia Rating, by evaluating the corporate governance practices established within BKT, has assigned 87.06 (AAA (Alb)/Distinctive) points out of 100 for the overall level of compliance with the Albanian Corporate Governance Code and the regulations.

The grade assigned to BKT signifies a Distinctive Level of Compliance with the principles of the code and its Notch degree to the level a/Excellent. This rating taken in conjunction with the initial reports published in the previous years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, make JCR Eurasia believe that the overall compliance level attained by BKT will be maintained during the next 12-month monitoring period. In this regard, the Outlook of the Bank has been determined as “Stable”.

In this report BKT has succeeded in maintaining the level of compliance reached in the previous 12 months for four of the main sections. In addition, has increased the score of “Human Resources and Performance Evaluations”, to a score of 86.27 due to its human resources policy and a separate human resources department which carries out the contemporary practices with well-educated staff. This increase in the human resources performance has positively affected the Bank’s overall compliance note. JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is the first Albanian company that has been evaluated by an international financial institution regarding Corporate Governance. Banka Kombëtare Tregtare attended in Work & Study Fair 2016

Tirana, Albania (28 September 2016) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) with the aim to support and promote employment attended in Job Fair 2016 organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in partnership with the Municipality of Tirana and the Ministry of Education and Sports.

BKT by increasing its branch network supports different programs that are focused on reducing unemployment. These programs provide a convenient and unique opportunity for all young people by helping them to develop a successful career.

This fair was greeted by Minister of Education and Sports Ms Nikola which stated that “We all have common responsibility to learn the best paths and more successful for the youth of the country".

BKT as regular participant of these editions offers employment opportunities as well as the various internship opportunities for the interested students.


Tirana, Albania (6th July, 2016) - Euromoney Magazine has recognized BKT, as “The Best Bank in Albania for 2016” in its annual Awards for Excellence that took place in London on July 6th, 2016. This is the fifth time in a row that BKT receives this most respected award in the financial service industry.

Mr. Mehmet Usta, chairman of BKT, said in a speech accepting the award: “We are delighted to be named Best Bank in Albania, for the fifth year in a row, and it is a real honor to receive this award from a publication of Euromoney’s stature. We are aware and proud of the tremendous efforts behind this continuous success and appreciative that such a hard work has not gone unnoticed. Special thanks go to all our employees who together with our customers and business partners made it happened. Nowadays, Banks are an integral part of every economy and every society and as long as we will focus on our essential role in society, ”helping customers with trust and confidence”, I strongly believe that we will keep growing and receiving all major awards in the banking industry”.

Euromoney is among the top financial publications in the world. For more than 20 years, the magazine evaluates the global banking systems and asset markets. “The Best Bank in Albania” award, which BKT is receiving for the fifth consecutive time, confirms the position of the Bank as innovative, financially strong and leader within the Albanian Banking system. The award comes right after a similar evaluation by the other two prestigious magazines, The Banker and EMEA Finance, which awarded BKT as the Best Bank in Albania.

Established in 1925 BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 2.8 billion USD and total deposits of 2.3 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 91 branches, out of which 65 are located in Albania and 26 in Kosova.

JCR Eurasia Rating reaffirms AAA (Alb) to BKT for the eighth time in a row

(Tirana, 21 June, 2016) JCR-Eurasia Rating has evaluated Banka Kombëtare Tregtare sh.a. in a high-level investment category and affirmed for the eighth time in a row its ratings on the Long Term National Scale as ‘AAA (Alb)’ along with a ‘Stable’ outlook.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world.

AAA (Alb) stands for the highest possible evaluation within local market, showing that BKT is keeping its position as the largest bank and most reliable and financially strong bank in Albania.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT has dominated the market and operates on a large scale with an assets size market share of 25.90%, making it the largest player in Albania. In accordance with the previous years, above sector average profitability indicators, a highly dispersed deposit profile, above sector-average growth and consistently rising market share have been the leading factors in the differentiation of BKT from the Sector and in the affirmation of the Bank’s Long Term National Ratings.

BKT enjoys the largest branch network in the Albanian Banking sector, integrated with the effective utilization of alternative distribution channels including ATM, internet and mobile banking. As always, a pioneer in implementing technological innovations, driven by customer requirements, BKT is playing a very effective role in the area of digital banking. BKT EXPANDS BRANCH NETWORK

Tirana, Albania (June 20, 2016) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) keeps expanding its branch network, reaching a total of 91 branches, out of which 65 branches in Albania and 26 branches in Kosova.

The newest branch opened “Dega Gramsh” will provide all the range of products and services to all BKT clients.

Contacts of the branch are as below:

Address: Lagjia “Holta”, Pall. 46, Godina e Albtelecom, Gramsh. BKT has organized a meeting with agribusiness representative

Tirana, Albania (May 24th, 2016) - BKT organized a friendly meeting with representatives from the Agribusiness sector in the premises of Sheraton Hotel. This important meeting for BKT was attended by various entrepreneurs of the sector. The participants were welcomed by the Chief Executive Officer and Board Member of BKT Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil and Chief Executive Officer of CBS (Creative Business Solutions), Mr. Enio Jaço.

In his speech Mr. Pencabligil stressed: "Agribusiness is one of the most important sectors of the Albanian economy, accounting for 50% of the employment rate in the country and approximately 1/5 of the Gross Domestic Product, but benefiting less than 5% lending." He also added: "BKT will continue to be close to this sector, as it has done so far, and one of this meeting's key reasons is precisely the strengthening of mutual relations as well as the further development of new projects."

The guests were welcomed by Mr. Jaço, who highlighted the great geographic and climate potential of our country in this sector's development. He presented various grants to be applied in the coming years by international organizations in cooperation with the Albanian government, stressing the importance of banks in the accomplishment of this process. He also congratulated BKT as one of the leading banks in lending and supporting this sector, with a myriad of customized products.

This meeting was an excellent opportunity for those interested in the agribusiness sector to become familiar with the opportunities and potential developments, and to benefit from the several-year-experience of BKT and CBS in the investments made in this sector.

BKT is the largest and oldest commercial bank in the country, with a network of 90 branches, with 64 operating in Albania and 26 in Kosovo. EMEA FINANCE AWARDS BKT AS THE BEST BANK IN ALBANIA FOR THE SIXTH TIME

Vienna, Austria (29 April, 2016) – The Awards continue to reflect the success of Banka Kombëtare Tregtare in the Albanian banking sector. BKT has been awarded for the sixth consecutive year “The Best Local Bank in Albania for 2015” from the prestigious British financial magazine EMEA Finance. EMEA Finance, one of the most important financial magazines in the world which follows developments in the financial markets in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa, awards each year best banks and financial institutions.

The ceremony took place in Vienna, Austria, on the sidelines of the Europe Banking Awards 2015. The awards were submitted to Mr. Ismail Hakki Ergener, BKT Board Member and Mr. Aydin Argin, Head of Corporate and Commercial Banking Group in BKT.

BKT, established in 1925, is the largest and the oldest commercial Bank in Albania. With a total asset value of 2.8 billion USD and total deposits of 2.2 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 90 branches, out of which 64 are located in Albania and 26 in Kosova.

Tiranë, Albania (April 28, 2016) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) in the framework of supporting the creation and promotion of new jobs, took part in Labor Fair 2016 organized by the Municipality of Tirana in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth and Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

BKT, the oldest commercial bank in the country with a network of 90 branches, since many years, supports and develops programs that are focused on reducing unemployment in the country. These programs ensure support for the youth and aim creating opportunities for them to re-enter in the labor market.

The Labor Fair 2016, was greeted by Prime Minister of Albania Mr. Edi Rama, who stated that: "Employment continue to remain one of the most concerning issues that our country faces and that the majority of our youth is currently unemployed due to the lack of the relevant information on the vacancies suitable to their professional expertise.”

BKT offers employment opportunities for different positions in the banking sector and working practices for the students. BKT SUPPORTS CONSTRUCTION SECTOR

Tirana, Albania (April 18, 2016) - BKT organized a business gathering with representatives from the construction business in Sheraton Hotel. The participants were addressed by the CEO and Board Member of BKT Mr Pencabligil as well as the representative of the association of builders Mr Avenir Kika.

In his address, the CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, emphasized that: "We remain confident that the difficult days have passed and better days will come for this sector. BKT has been and will continue to be one of the main supporters of the construction sector in the country knowing that our bank plays a very important role in the development of the country by financing businesses and contributing actively in the development of the Albanian economy."

Mr.Kika greeted the guests and stated that: "Currently, the construction sector is consolidated; there is sufficient liquidity thanks to constant support of banks operating in the country".

This meeting was an excellent opportunity for the construction sector to collect and share opinions and discuss together the issues that could potentially affect this sector.

BKT has a total asset value of 2.8 billion USD and total deposits of 2.2 billion USD. Established in 1925, BKT is the oldest commercial Bank in Albania which provides its services with a network of 90 branches, out of which 64 are located in Albania and 26 in Kosova. Dear Customers,

Starting from 11 April 2016 enters into force new Terms and Conditions.

Changes that have been identified in the document, mainly are affecting sections:


2- B. Payments

3- C. Cards

4- D. Money Transfers

5- E. Cheques

6- F. Finance Commercial

7- G. Other Services

8- H. Internet Branch

Thanks for your understanding.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare


Tirana, Albania (16 March 2016) – The Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has opened yesterday in Tirana. Pakistan’s Ambassador to Albania, His Excellency Ambassador Nadeem Riyaz inaugurated the Honorary Consulate at an official reception.

Speaking on the occasion Ambassador Riyaz noted that Pakistan and Albania enjoyed close bilateral ties. The opening of the Honorary Consulate will help to further strengthen the relations. In particular there was need to improve economic, business, and cultural relations as well as people to people contacts. Introducing Pakistan’s Honorary Consul Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, the CEO of Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT), who has Pakistani roots, he expressed the hope that the Honorary Consul will be able to accomplish this objective.

The Albanian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr Selim Belortaja, said that the presentation of the credentials by the Pakistani Ambassador and the opening of the Honorary Consulate represented two major steps towards the realization of the expectations of the two countries for developing close bilateral relations. He appreciated the decision of the Pakistani Government to appoint Dr. Pencabligil as the Honorary Consul, as he was an important figure in the business, banking and academic sectors of Albania.

The Honorary Consul Mr. Pencabligil emphasized that there was vast potential for improving cooperation between the two countries. He underscored his commitment to particularly increase economic and commercial activity.

The Consulate will have its seat at the head office of BKT on Bul. Zhan d'Ark. BKT EXPANDS BRANCH NETWORK

Tirana, Albania (January 25, 2016) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare keeps expanding its branch network, reaching a total of 90 branches, out of which 64 branches in Albania and 26 branches in Kosova.

The newest branch opened “Tregu Agro” will provide all the range of products and services to all BKT clients.

Contacts of the branch are below:

“Tregu Agro” Branch:

Address: Mëzez, Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës Km 1, Kashar (Tregu Agro-Ushqimor).


Vienna, Austria (21 January, 2016) – On 19-20 January 2016, Euromoney Conferences gathered over 1,200 delegates in Vienna in the 21st installment of its Central and Eastern Europe Forum. This forum brings together the region's Central Bankers, Finance Ministers and other leading personalities in the area of politics, economy and finance.

The Forum was an excellent opportunity for the central European policy makers to gather and share insights, as well as discuss key issues that can potentially affect the region for the year ahead. Policymakers and corporate leaders took this opportunity to meet with investors from inside and outside the region.

The format of the Forum consisted of a number of panels during which participants discussed on the latest economic and financial development. The panel of central bank governors from the Central and Eastern European countries on “Monetary Policy Debate" was of particular importance.

During the forum, in order to present Albania and its potentials for the foreigns invesment opportunities, BKT organized for the first time after 10 years, the Albania Roundtable which consisted of the Governor of Bank of Albania, Mr. Gent Sejko, the Deputy Minister of Finance, Mr. Erjon Luci, the Manager for the Western Balkan Countries, IFC- World Bank, Mr. Thomas Lubeck and BKT CEO and Board Member, Mr Seyhan Pencabligil. During the roundtable, Mr Pencabligil made a short overview on Albania, its banking system and finacial situation and the challenges that the country is facing. The Governor, Mr. Sejko, emphasised the importance of foreign direct investments for the country's economic development. Regarding the developments in the Albanian banking system, he stated that the financial indicators show that the banking system is sound, resilient to shocks and capable to contribute to Albania's economic development. The Governor also presented to the roundtable the inter-institutional plan of the Bank of Albania and the Government of Albania to reduce the level of non-performing loans, which are expected to help further reduce the level of non-performing loans and to boost lending.

Mr. Luçi presented the actions that the Government has been taking and is willing to take in order to boost the economic growth, as well as create the proper environment for the foreign direct investments.

Mr. Lubeck compared Albania’s situation to the other countries in the region and analyzed the position that Albania is currently holding in the “Doing Business Report” issued by the World Bank in cooperation with IFC.

Furthermore, the financial institutions from Albania who attended the conference had a great opportunity to meet with the representatives of several financial institutions from different countries in order to exchange views about current financial situations in their markets, and to set up business relationships. BKT CELEBRATES ITS 90TH ANNIVERSARY WITH “THE BEST BANK IN ALBANIA” AWARD RECEIVED FOR THE SIXTH TIME BY "THE BANKER"

Tirana, Albania (03 December 2015) - Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) has been selected as "The Bank of the Year in Albania for 2015 by "The Banker", which is published by Financial Times. One of the most prestigious financial magazines, “The Banker” annually nominates the best banks in the world.

The award was submitted to BKT’s Chairman Mr. Mehmet Usta and the CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil in a ceremony held in London on December 2, 2015.

"Receiving "The Bank of the Year" award has become a tradition already for BKT. Although Albanian economic growth has been at the same level compared to other European countries, we have managed to record new achievements in our story of sustainable profitability and growth.” said Mr. Mehmet Usta, the Chairman of BKT since 2009. He added that: “We are aware and proud of the tremendous efforts behind this continuous success and appreciative that such a hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. As we are in the middle of the celebrations of our 90th anniversary of BKT’s establishment, this award is the perfect gift to all our customers, employees, stakeholders and business partners."

The CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, emphasized that: "This is the third year that we receive all three major awards (The Banker, Euromoney and EMEA Finance) in the banking industry. This kind of success creates additional expectations in our working environment and such performance is not enough. We have to set new standards not only for our industry and not only in Albania, but we need to show the same commitment in the region and make a good example for other industries, as we have the vast responsibility of owning the most valuable Albanian brand."

Together with the 6th “Bank of the year in Albania” award by The Banker, BKT has been selected for the 4th time as "The Best Bank in Albania" by “Euromoney” and for the 5th time by “EMEA Finance”, two other very important financial institutions.

With total assets of 2.8 billion USD, in its 90th anniversary BKT serves its customers through a network of 90 branches, 64 of which in Albania and 26 in Kosovo.

For more information, please refer to: JCR Eurasia Rating assigns AAA (Alb) to BKT for Corporate Governance

Tirana, Albania (November 09, 2015) - JCR Eurasia Rating, by evaluating the corporate governance practices established within BKT, has assigned 86.03 (AAA (Alb)/Distinctive) points out of 100 for the overall level of compliance with the Albanian Corporate Governance Code and the regulations.

The grade assigned to BKT signifies a Distinctive Level of Compliance with the principles of the code and its Notch degree to the level a/Excellent. This rating taken in conjunction with the initial reports published in October 2012, 2013 and 2014 make JCR Eurasia believe that the overall compliance level attained by BKT will be maintained during the 12 month monitoring period. In this regard, the Outlook of the Bank has been determined as “Stable”.

In this report BKT has increased the score of “Public Disclosure and Transparency” due to its transparent website with respect to corporate governance and the publication of the first eco-friendly annual report. This increase in the transparency has positively affected the Bank’s overall compliance note.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is the first Albanian company that has been evaluated by an international financial institution regarding Corporate Governance.


Tirana, Albania (10 July, 2015) - Euromoney Magazine has recognized BKT, as “The Best Bank in Albania for 2015” in its annual Awards for Excellence that took place in London on July 9, 2015. This is the fourth time in a row that BKT receives this most respected award in the financial service industry. The award was received by BKT’s Chairman Mr. Mehmet Usta.

During the ceremony the Chairman Mr. Usta emphasized that: “Once again BKT has proven to be the Best Bank in Albania. We are proud that our consistent growth, sustainable profitability, innovative products and customer service have not gone unnoticed. We are leaders in Albania in all major indicators such as total assets, net profit, equity, deposits and retail lending and we are willing to demonstrate the same succes story in the region. As long as we implement our growth strategy in line with our vision, we will keep being The Best and the Largest Bank in the Albanian banking system. The key of our success lays in our deep and thorough comprehension of Albania, its people and their needs and adapting our vision and strategy in line with this comprehension. Considering BKT as a priceless asset for Albania has led towards earning people’s trust, which has resulted crucial in our continuous growth.I congratulate all our employees for their tremendous efforts.”

Euromoney is among the top financial publications in the world. For more than 20 years, the magazine evaluates the global banking systems and asset markets. “The Best Bank in Albania” award, which BKT is receiving for the fourth consecutive time, confirms the position of the Bank as innovative, financially strong and leader within the Albanian Banking system. The award comes right after a similar evaluation by the other two prestigious magazines, The Banker and EMEA Finance, which awarded BKT as the Best Bank in Albania.

BKT has a total asset value of 2.6 billion USD and total deposits of 2 billion USD. Established in 1925, BKT is the oldest commercial Bank in Albania which provides its services with a network of 89 branches, out of which 63 are located in Albania and 26 in Kosova. JCR Eurasia Rating reaffirms AAA (Alb) to BKT for the seventh time in a row

(Tirana, 30 June, 2015) JCR-Eurasia Rating has evaluated Banka Kombëtare Tregtare sh.a. in a high-level investment category and affirmed for the seventh time in a row its ratings on the Long Term National Scale as ‘AAA (Alb)’ along with a ‘Stable’ outlook.

AAA (Alb) stands for the highest possible evaluation within local market, showing that BKT is keeping its position as the largest bank and most reliable and financially strong bank in Albania.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT has dominated the market and operates on a large scale with an assets size market share of 24.33%, making it the largest player in Albania. As in the previous years, above sector average profitability indicators with recurrent revenue streams, improved capitalization level, broad deposits base and well above sector average growth performance are the main factors differing BKT from the Sector in a positive direction and supporting the affirmed ratings.

BKT, the largest bank in the Albanian Banking Sector based on asset size as of June, 2014, maintained its uninterrupted growth trend and was ranked as the largest bank across the sector in the principal banking fields of deposits, assets, equity and size of net profit.


Tbilisi, Georgia (14 May, 2015) – The Awards continue to reflect the success of Banka Kombëtare Tregtare in the Albanian market. BKT had been awarded with The Best Local Bank in Albania award and the Corporate Social Responsability award in Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Indipendent States from the prestigious British magazine EMEA Finance. EMEA Finance, one of the most important financial magazines in the world that follows developments in the financial markets in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa, awards each year best banks and financial institutions in these markets.

The ceremony took place in Tbilisi, Georgia, on the sidelines of the Annual General Meeting of the EBRD. The awards were submitted to Mr. Fatih Karli, Head of Retail Banking Group and Mr. Ibrahim Yasar, Head of Internal Audit in BKT.

BKT has been evaluated by EMEA Finance as The Best Local Bank in Albania for the fifth consecutive year. This evaluation confirms the Bank’s amazing achievements in increasing the market share in all business segments and in securing an-all-time-high profitability.

The award for Corporate Social Responsibility for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States confirms the success of BKT in the implementation of its CSR Policy with innovative initiatives that affect the most sensitive aspects of the Albanian society. The Bank remains always committed to contribute and support projects that help to improve the social issues, health and the environment all over Albania.

BKT is the largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 2.5 billion USD in assets and 1.9 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 89 branches out of which 63 are situated in Albania and 26 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region. Dear Customers,

Based on the changes in the fiscal package approved on November 27, 2014 and reflected in the Law nr 156 /2014 “On Income Tax”, we inform that all the accrued interests from all the deposits/accounts that will mature starting from January 1st, 2015 will be taxed by 15%.

Thanks for your understanding.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare

President of Çalik Holding honored by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth with the Social Solidarity Prize

The Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth has awarded Social Solidarity Prize for year 2014 to Mr. Ahmet Calik, President of Calik Holding, with motivation: “For special attention and contribution of Çalik Holding companies in Albania”.

The Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Mr. Erion Veliaj awarded this prize to Mr. Çalik in a ceremony that took place at “Zyber Hallulli” Orphanage in Tirana. This Prize is the first one of this kind in Albania aiming to become a tradition of Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Hidayet Bayraktar, directors of different Turkish agencies in Albania, representatives of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, as well as the representatives of BKT and ALBtelecom participated in this ceremony. The guests were welcomed by the Director of State Social Service, Mrs. Etleva Bisha, whom thanked Mr. Çalik on behalf of the institution she is in charge, and stated that excellent collaboration with Çalik Holding companies in Albania fully deserves such an evaluation.

Whereas Minister Veliaj in his speech thanked cordially Mr. Çalik for continuous social contribution that his company has given in Albania, by noting this as an example to be followed and everybody should give contribution in this regard.

Mr. Çalik stated that this prize goes to employees of companies operating here. “It makes me very happy the fact that ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile as the largest operator in Albania, and BKT as the largest bank in Albania, have done something very good. With our confirmation they gave support to Albanian children. We shall continue our contribution. I am glad that largest telecommunication group in Albania, ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile, and the largest bank in Albania, BKT, have contributed for children based on the philosophy of our Group”, said Çalik. During this year, the furniture of Saranda Orphanage have been renovated; Vlora Orphanage, Social Center of Velipoje, theater room of “Zyber Hallulli” have been restored; medical equipment have been donated to health sector; free internet has been provided to Shkodër orphanage; we have supported environmental campaign of cleaning Albania, and we have as well contributed in increasing the greenery in capital city by planting trees.

ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile are the largest telecommunication group in Albania providing quadruple services: Fixed Telephony, Mobile, Internet and Television. Whereas BKT is evaluated for the 5-th time by “The Banker” as the “Best bank of the Year”, and it is the largest bank in Albania with a wide portfolio of services.

Both companies, by following the same philosophy towards social responsibilities, step forward in parallel with social policies and responsibilities of Çalik Holding Corporation and are determined to further contribute in social projects and responsibilities in Albania.


Tirana, Albania (27 November 2014) -, The pre-eminent magazine published by Financial Times, "The Banker", which annually nominates the best banks in the world, has selected Banka Kombëtare Tregtare as "The Best Bank in Albania for 2014".

The award was submitted to BKT’s Chairman Mr. Mehmet Usta and the CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil in a ceremony held in London on November 27, 2014.

Mr. Mehmet Usta, the Chairman of BKT since 2009, said that: "I am very happy receiving the award of "The Best Bank of the Year in Albania" on behalf of BKT for the fifth time. Successful performance in all business segments and customer satisfaction are the main factors that led to such an evaluation. With 23% market share and USD 2.8 billion in total assets, since June 2014 BKT is the largest bank in the Albanian banking system. My thanks go to all our employees who together with our customers and business partners made possible such an important evaluation."

The CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, emphasized that: "This year, like the last year, we received all the three important awards of the banking sector. But every award received brings with it responsibilities. These responsibilities now are much larger and we, the oldest and the largest bank in the country, continue our efforts towards increasing the prosperity and the economic growth wherever we operate. Our goal is to enhance BKT brand in the region, as the most valuable Albanian brand."

BKT, the oldest commercial bank and the largest in Albania, in 2014 has been selected as "The Best Bank in Albania" by “Euromoney” and “EMEA Finance”, two other very important financial institutions.

With total assets of 2.8 billion USD, BKT serves its customers through a network of 88 branches 63 of which in Albania and 25 in Kosovo.

JCR Eurasia Rating assigns AAA (Alb) to BKT for Corporate Governance

Tirana, Albania (October 30, 2014) - JCR Eurasia Rating, by evaluating the corporate governance practices established within BKT, has assigned 85.23 (AAA (Alb)/Distinctive) points out of 100 for the overall level of compliance with the Albanian Corporate Governance Code and the regulations.

The grade assigned to BKT signifies a Distinctive Level of Compliance with the principles of the code and its degree to the level a/Excellent. JCR Eurasia believes that the overall compliance level attained by BKT will be maintained during the 12 month monitoring period. In this regard, the Outlook of the Bank has been determined as “Stable”.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is the first Albanian company that has been evaluated by an international financial institution regarding Corporate Governance.

FASTIP Graduation Ceremony

On 29 October 2014, in Hotel "Harmonia", 17 students graduated at Faculty of Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP) in Bank Management. Students are sponsored and offered working practices by Banka Kombëtare Tregtare during the 3 years study.

BKT is a key partner for the Faculty of Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP) at “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. In this unique program of Public - Private Partnership, between the Albanian Government and German Government, University of Durrës and Albania Business Partners, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare plays a key role in supporting innovation in university education system.

In this ceremony participated Mrs. Lindita Nikolla, Minister of Education and Sports as well as representatives of the partners supporting the program.

Seyhan Pencabligil, CEO and Board Member of BKT, in his speech said that, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare will continue to support studies in Bank Management, not only in Albania but also in Kosovo, doing everything for the progress of integrated studies in FASTIP, now and in the future , making it a real success story, an example to be followed by all other businesses.


Tirana, Albania (October 1st, 2014) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare keeps expanding its branch network, reaching a total of 87 branches, out of which 63 branches in Albania and 25 branches in Kosova.

The newest branch opened Ibrahim Rugova will provide all the range of products and services to all BKT clients.

Contacts of the branch are below:

“Ibrahim Rugova ” Branch:

Address: Rruga "Ibrahim Rugova ”, Tiranë

Tel: +355 4 22 39 418 +355 4 22 74 811 +355 4 22 43 940


Tirana, Albania (15 July, 2014) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare keeps expanding its branch network, reaching a total of 86 branches, out of which 62 branches in Albania and 24 branches in Kosova.

The newest branch opened Concord Branch will provide all the range of products and services to all BKT clients.

Contacts of the branch are below:

Concord Branch:

Address: Rruga "5Maji", pranë Unazës, Godina Concord Center, Tiranë

Tel: +355 42460270 +355 42460310 +355 42460320

While business hours are:

Monday – Friday: 09.00-20.00

Saturday: 09.00-16.00

Sunday: 10.00-14.00


Tirana, Albania (11 July, 2014) - Euromoney Magazine has recognized BKT, as “The Best Bank in Albania for 2014” in its annual Awards for Excellence that took place in London on July 10, 2014. This is the third time in a row that BKT receives this most respected award in the financial service industry. The award was received by BKT’s Chairman, Mr Mehmet Usta and CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil.

During the ceremony the Chairman Mr. Usta emphasized that: “BKT, the oldest bank in the Albanian Market and part of Çalik Group since 2006, in the recent years has increased its competitive power in the market by developing a strong and sustainable balance sheet and offering a wide range and high quality financial products and services. This award and others alike, which have become a routine for us, testify our successful and efficient performance in the international level.”

CEO and the Board Member Mr Pencabligil added that: “Despite the difficult economic situation in the country, we have been able to increase our market share in all business segments in line with our Bank’s vision. Our efforts will be towards contributing to the Albania’s economy by increasing the financing of the individuals and companies that thrive to use their immense potential for the growth and prosperity of the country.”

Euromoney is among the top financial publications in the world. For more than 20 years, the magazine evaluates the global banking systems and asset markets. The “The Best Bank in Albania” award, which BKT received for the third consecutive time, confirms the position of the Bank as innovative, financially strong and leader within the Albanian Banking system.

BKT has a total asset value of 2.7 billion USD and total deposits of 2.2 billion USD. BKT is the largest Albanian bank in the region, with a network including 86 branches, out of which 62 are located in Albania and 24 in Kosova.

JCR Eurasia Rating reaffirms AAA (Alb) to BKT for the sixth time in a row

Tirana, Albania (May 28th, 2014) – JCR-Eurasia Rating has evaluated Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.A. in a high-level investment category and affirmed for the sixth time in a row its ratings on the Long Term National Scale as ‘AAA (Alb)’ along with a ‘Stable’ outlook.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world.

AAA (Alb) stands for the highest possible evaluation within local market, showing that BKT is keeping its position as the most reliable and financially strong bank in Albania.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT, which has progressively increased its systemic effectiveness and market share via its high growth rates, consistently maintains its stable position within the Albanian Banking Sector. BKT managed to maintain its above sector average performance with respect to the return on assets and equity through continual growth, generating a level of profit corresponding to almost half of the sector’s aggregate profit. The planned growth projections for the coming period together with the targeted profit increases are expected to place the Bank in the market-leader position within a few years the well-capitalized Bank’s generated internal resources will continue to be dynamic for its high growth.

BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 2.7 billion USD in assets and 2.2 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 85 branches out of which 61 are situated in Albania and 24 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region.


Warsaw, Poland (13, May 2014) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2013”, based on its superior growth, overall performance and innovation shown during 2013 by the prestigious British magazine EMEA Finance for the fourth time.

The award was submitted to BKT’s Chairman Mr. Mehmet Usta, Vice Chairman Mr. Mehmet Ertuğrul Gürler and Mr. Kaan Pekin, Head of Treasury and Financial Institutions, in the ceremony that took place in Warsaw on May 13, 2014.

During the awards ceremony in Warsaw, the Chairman Mr. Usta emphasized that: “We are proud that our consistent growth, sustainable profitability, innovative products and customer service have not gone unnoticed. As long as we implement our growth strategy in line with our vision, we will keep being The Best Bank in Albania just like in the past, when we were stated as The Best Bank in Albania three times by The Banker, two times in a row by Euromoney and twice by Finance Central Europe.

EMEA Finance, one of the most important financial magazines in the world that follows developments in the financial markets in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa, awards each year best banks and financial institutions in these markets.

BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 2.7 billion USD in assets and 2.2 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 85 branches out of which 61 are situated in Albania and 24 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region.


Tirana, Albania (12 May, 2014) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare keeps expanding its branch network, reaching a total of 85 branches, out of which 61 branches in Albania and 24 branches in Kosova.

The newest branch opened Piazza Branch will provide all the range of products and services to all BKT clients.

Contacts of the branch are below:

Piazza Branch:

Address: Rruga "Ded Gjo Luli”, Pallati Nr. 1, mbrapa Muzeut Kombëtar, Tiranë

Tel: +355 4 24 43 073; +355 4 24 43 074; +355 4 24 43 075


Tirana, Albania (December 1, 2013) - Banka Kombëtare Tregtare has reaffirmed its position as “The Best Bank in Albania” for 2013. The international preeminent financial magazine “The Banker” has appraised BKT’s successful financial management, sustainable growth in profitability and market share and innovative banking services. The award was submitted to BKT’s Chairman, Mr. Mehmet Usta, and CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, in the gala dinner organized for the occasion in London.

The Banker, the banking sector’s magazine of Financial Times, is the world's premier banking and finance resource. Read in over 180 countries around the world, The Banker is the key source of data and analysis for the banking industry. The evaluation by this magazine for the third time in the last four years as “The Best Bank in Albania”, confirms the growth of the capacities and the significant role of BKT within the Albanian banking system. This award testifies that despite the bitter conditions in the Albanian economy, BKT has proved to be the leader of the market in quality, management and service innovation, and the expertise to support and expand its clientele.

During the awards ceremony in London, the Chairman Mr. Usta emphasized that: “We are proud to take this award on behalf of all our employees and our customers, who have trusted in BKT’s energy, human capital and knowhow. We believe that our success will inspire many other Albanian enterprises to perform better and contribute to the Albanian economy.”

Three awards within 2013

During 2013 BKT has managed to gather all three major “The Best Bank in Albania” awards provided by the most important international financial institutions: Euromoney, The Banker and EMEA Finance. The acknowledgement of BKT’s CEO Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil as “The CEO of the Year in Europe” has been another clear evidence of BKT’s regional success.

One of the two largest banks

BKT, which leads the market in retail banking, is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania, having a total asset value of 2.5 billion USD and a total deposit of 2 billion USD. BKT network includes 84 branches, out of which 60 are located in Albania and 24 in Kosova, becoming the largest Albanian bank in the region. Since its privatization in 2000, BKT is the only bank in Albania that has been constantly rated with the highest possible ratings.

Continuous growth

Despite the low economic growth in Albania, BKT has managed to be the only bank that has increased its profitability and market share. BKT CEO Mr. Pencabligil said that: “Unlike our competitors, we have been able to grow and generate profit in good times as well as during the last crisis. Our main motivation is the belief that Albanians deserve more and better of what they have, banking included.”

Dear Customers!

In order to provide a better service and offer you new banking opportunities, BKT has planned to install a new version of the core banking system at the Bank during the weekend of 23-24 November. Despite our maximum efforts not to affect our service to you, as a result of this planned maintenance there may be some interruptions of banking services as described below:

1. Kristal Branch and Durres Customs Agency will remain closed on 23 and 24 November 2013

2. BKT debit cards will not work on both ATM and POS starting from 23:00 of Friday November 22 till 14:00 of Saturday Nov 23. BKT Credit cards and other bank cards will continue to work normally on our terminals during this period.

3. “Internet” Branch service will be interrupted starting from 23:00 of Friday November 22 till 16:00 of Saturday November 23.

Apologizing for any inconvenience we might cause, we assure you that we will do our best to keep the service interrupting at the most possible lowest level.

Thank you for your understanding. JCR Eurasia Rating confirms AA(Alb) evaluation to BKT for Corporate Governance

Tirana, Albania (October 10, 2013) - JCR Eurasia Rating, by evaluating the corporate governance practices established within BKT, has assigned (AA(Alb)/Merit) for the overall level of compliance with the Albanian Corporate Governance Code and the regulations set by Albanian Ministry of Finance. The grade assigned to BKT signifies a Merit Level of Compliance with the principles of the code.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT has kept the level reached 12 months ago, with a well-defined and transparent organizational structure with balanced tasks and responsibilities accompanied by qualified management, existence of functional monitoring, audit, compliance and risk management systems, healthy relationship between the management and shareholders and regulatory authorities depending on mutual trust.

BKT is the first company in Albania to receive the corporate governance rating on compliance with the code. This proves once more the capability of BKT to be the pioneer not only in the services and products offered, but also in management.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world.

BKT Introduces the New Loan Guarantee Agreement signed between BKT and Municipality of Tirana

Within the framework of expanding the cooperation with Local Government and the corporate social responsibility, aiming at contributing in the economic development, increasing the employment and enlarging the customer base, BKT has signed New Loan Guarantee Agreement with Municipality of Tirana.

This guarantee program consists in Tirana Municipality’s offering of a fund of 100 million ALL, as a fund with the function of guaranteeing the credit risk of micro, small and medium enterprises in the levels from 10% up to 50%. These loans, apart from being offered at a very preferential price level – 5% and 5.5%, will be provided not only to the existing businesses and the start-ups, but also to the nonlicensed businesses which intend to formalize their activities, with the pre-condition of their legal registration prior to the loan disbursement.

Through this Program, BKT intends to:

Increase the economical development of the city of Tirana;
Increase its number of clients by reaching some 450 micro, small and medium enterprises included in this program;
Contribute in the increase of employment;
Offer competitiveness and innovation within this program’s framework , which creates collateralized or noncollateralized crediting opportunities, addressing one of the most important problems of crediting.

Tirana, Albania (12 July, 2013) - Banka Kombëtare Tregtare adds another important award to its international evaluations’ collection. BKT, with its successful financial management and innovative banking services, is confirmed for the second year in a row as “The Best Bank in Albania” by the international preeminent financial magazine, “Euromoney” for 2013. The award was submitted to BKT’s Chairman, Mr. Mehmet Usta, and CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, in the gala dinner organized for the occasion in London.

Euromoney is among the top financial publications in the world. For more than 20 years, the magazine evaluates the global banking systems and asset markets. The evaluation for the second consecutive time as “The Best Bank in Albania”, confirms the growth of the capacities and the role of the Bank within the Albanian banking sector. This award testifies that BKT is the leader of the market in quality, management and service innovation, and the expertise to support and expand its clientele.

During the awards ceremony in London, the Chairman Mr. Usta emphasized that: “We are proud that our consistent growth, sustainable profitability, innovative products and customer service have not gone unnoticed. As long as we implement our growth strategy in line with our vision, we will keep being The Best Bank in Albania just like in the past, when we were stated as The Best Bank in Albania three times by The Banker, three times by EMEA Finance and twice by Finance Central Europe.”

Best CEO in Europe

In May 2013, BKT’s CEO Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, was awarded as “The CEO of the Year for Europe” by EMEA Finance magazine. Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, who has run the Bank since its privatization in 2000 and increased the return on capital for 13 years an average of 27%, plays a crucial role not only in the high performance of BKT, but also in the management of Association of Albanian Banks and ICC Albania, where he carries out his duties as the Chairman.

One of the two largest banks

BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania, having a total asset value of 2.4 billion USD and a total deposit of 1.9 billion USD. BKT network includes 83 branches, out of which 59 are located in Albania and 24 in Kosova, becoming the largest Albanian bank in the region. Since its privatization in 2000, BKT is the only bank in Albania that has been constantly rated with the highest possible ratings by Moody’s and JCR Eurasia Rating.

Becoming a regional bank

Despite the low economic growth in Albania, BKT has managed to be the only bank that has increased its profitability and market share. Mr. Pencabligil said that”: “Despite the ups and downs in the world and European economy, BKT’s consistent growth and profitable performance has made the difference. The success we have reached in Albania makes us bolder in evaluating the opportunities in extending our presence in the Balkan’s region.


Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil CEO of BKT, has been awarded as CEO of 2012 for Europe

Tirana, Albania (April 19th, 2013) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare has been awarded for the third time consecutively as The Best Local Bank of Year in Albania by the prestigious British magazine EMEA Finance. At the same time Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil CEO of BKT has been awarded as CEO of 2012 for Europe by EMEA Finance. The Awards, which were recently announced, will be delivered in the ceremony that will take place in Vienna on June 5, 2013. EMEA Finance, one of the most important financial magazines in the world that follows developments in the financial markets in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa, awards each year best banks and financial institutions in these markets. BKT is the second largest bank and the oldest bank in Albania, having a total asset value of 2.3 billion USD and a total deposit of 1.9 billion USD. BKT network includes 83 branches, out of which 59 are located in Albania and 24 in Kosova, becoming the largest Albanian bank in the region. Lately, BKT has been awarded as “Best Bank in Albania for the year 2012” by the pre-eminent British magazine Euromoney magazine and also assigned a credit rating of AAA (ALB) by JCR Eurasia Rating, the highest possible rating taken by any Albanian bank.


Tirana, Albania (April 11, 2013) – In the framework of economy lending and mitigation on the challenges affords faced nowadays by the business, Banka Kombetare Tregtare has launched many new products for the financial support of business’ objective realization. In this line, the latest product offered is Cheque Collateralized Loan, presented during the seminar held in Tirana with subject “Cheque Usage Alternatives”.

During his speech, the Chief Executive Office and Board Member of BKT Mr Seyhan Pencabligil highlighted that: “Generally Albanians are very open-minded for innovations and progressive developments. Albanian traders should leave aside the exchange trade product-by-product and should start to adapt on contemporary payment instruments. This will affect positively not only the business progress but also the economic development in general and banking system in particular.”

The usage of the cheque as a payment instrument largely affects the convenience and formalization of supplier-customer relations. The knowledge and protection of the cheque by the legal frame as a payment instrument, makes it one of the most secure and guaranteed mode of payment. The innovation in the cheque usage of BKT, except its classical usage, is also the possibility of using the cheque as a collateral for short-term credit needs in a very short period of time. Hence, the business benefits the quick liquidity without any unpredictable additional cost.

BKT is the second largest bank and the oldest bank in Albania, having a total asset value of 2.3 billion USD and a total deposit of 1.9 billion USD. BKT network includes 83 branches, out of which 59 are located in Albania and 24 in Kosova, becoming the largest Albanian bank in the region. Lately, BKT has been awarded as “Best Bank in Albania for the year 2012” by the pre-eminent British magazine Euromoney magazine and also assigned a credit rating of AAA (ALB) by JCR Eurasia Rating, the highest possible rating taken by any Albanian bank.

JCR Eurasia Rating reaffirms AAA (Alb) to BKT for the fifth time in a row

Tirana, Albania (April 8th, 2013) – JCR Eurasia Rating has reaffirmed for the fifth time a credit rating of ‘AAA (Alb)’ along with a ‘stable’ outlook to Banka Kombetare Tregtare Sh.A. (BKT) on the long term national scale, which denotes the highest investment grade. Furthermore, JCR-ER has assigned a Long Term International Foreign and Local Currency Grade to BKT of “BB+”.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world.

AAA (Alb) stands for the highest possible evaluation within local market, showing that BKT is the most reliable and financially strong bank in Albania.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT achieved successful results and recorded growths well over the sector averages in all segments in 2012, thus reinforcing its second place market position and taking steps to take over the sector’s top position. The well-capitalized Bank’s generated internal resources will continue to be dynamic for its high growth.

BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 2.3 billion USD in assets and 1.9 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 83 branches out of which 59 are situated in Albania and 24 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region.


Business / Corporate 250 LEK, 2 EUR, 2 USD, 2 GBP, 2 CHF, 2 AUD, 2 CAD

Individual 100 LEK, 1 EUR, 1 USD, 1 GBP, 1 CHF, 1 AUD, 1 CAD

BKT donates for the families of 50 students in Mustafa Kemal Ataturk school

Tirana, 16 November 2012 – Banka Kombetare Tregtare, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Tirana, in the framework of BKT’s corporate social responsibility policies, donated food and other cleaning materials for 50 families of the students in need in Mustafa Kemal Ataturk school in Zall Herr.

The donation of the materials sufficient to fulfil a family’s monthly needs, was done in the presence of the Vice Ambassador of Turkey to Albania, Ms. Bengu Tetik and the representatives of BKT, Mr. Cuneyt Eriguc and Mr. Fatih Karli.

BKT donates for the Roma in need

Tirana, 15 November 2012 – Banka Kombetare Tregtare, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Tirana and the Roma Integration Association and Antitraffic of Children, in the framework of BKT’s corporate social responsibility policies, donated food and other cleaning materials for 50 families in need from the Roma community in Tirana.

The donation of the materials sufficient to fulfil a family’s monthly needs, was done in the presence of the Vice Ambassador of Turkey to Albania, Ms. Bengu Tetik and the representatives of BKT, Mr. Cuneyt Eriguc and Mr. Fatih Karli.

The families chosen by the Roma Integration Association and Antitraffic of Children, thanked the Embassy’s and BKT’s representatives for the contribution in relieving the tough living conditions of this community.

JCR Eurasia Rating assigns AA (Alb) to BKT for Corporate Governance

This is the first–ever such rating to an Albanian Company

Tirana, Albania (October 12, 2012) - JCR Eurasia Rating, by evaluating the corporate governance practices established within BKT, has assigned (AA(Alb)/Merit) for the overall level of compliance with the Albanian Corporate Governance Code and the regulations set by Albanian Ministry of Finance.

The Code, which was set by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy with the assistance of IFC has been approved by the Business Consultative Council during December 2011 and published in the beginning of this year. The code, containing 14 principles, is widely in line with OECD principles and best practices on Corporate Governance.

The grade assigned to BKT signifies a Merit Level of Compliance with the principles of the code.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT has a well-defined and transparent organizational structure with balanced tasks and responsibilities accompanied by qualified management, existence of functional monitoring, audit, compliance and risk management systems, healthy relationship between the management and shareholders and regulatory authorities depending on mutual trust. BKT implements successfully several practices recommended by the OECD Corporate Governance Principles which are not part of the current corporate governance code of Albania – a fact that does not affect the Bank’s score. However, the successful implementation of these practices by the Bank’s management positively influences the governance quality of the Bank.

BKT is the first company in Albania to receive the corporate governance rating on compliance with the code. This proves once more the capability of BKT to be the pioneer not only in the services and products offered, but also in management.

Cooperation Agreement: BKT –Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice

BKT continues for the 5th year to sponsor studies in “Bank Management” field, Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice (FASTIP) near “Aleksandër Moisiu” University in Durrës.

In this unique Public-Private Partnership program, between Albanian & German Government, University of Durres & Albanian Business Partners, BKT is the main partner in support of innovation in university education system.

On October 1, 2012, 25 FASTIP graduated students in September 2012 in “Bank Management” field,

have been sponsored & offered work practice from the bank during the 3 years of study, were handled the work contract and are actually working in Departments and different Branches of BKT.

On October 3, 2012, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil CEO & Board Member of BKT, signed the cooperation agreement with FASTIP, for professional training sponsorship of 62 students who actually study in

“Bank Management” field during the academic year 2012-2013, 21 of whom are 1st year students. BKT LAUNCHES NEW PRODUCTS TO SUPPORT AGROBUSINESS

Tirana (21 September, 2012) - Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT), within the framework of supporting agrobusiness, has launched today for SME-s operating in the agriculture sector, a new loan called BKT AGRO LOAN.

In the event organized today within the Agrobusiness and Tourism Fair, with the participation of Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection, Mr. Ndoc Faslia, KASH President, Mr. Enver Ferizaj and BKT’s CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, Head of Commercial Banking Group Mr. Pekhan Isipek, in his opening speech stated that agriculture is very crucial for the country’s development. He said that this is the reason that BKT has contributed and continues to support the development of agriculture, allowing the actors operating in this sector to have access to the capital, lacking of which has prevented the investments and development of this sector.

Mr. Fasllia, thanking BKT for the huge contribution in the agriculture sector’s development in cooperation with the Agency for Agriculture and Rural Development, underlined the need of development in the agriculture sector.

Mr. Ferizaj evaluated the participation of BKT as the main sponsor of Agrobusiness and Tourism Fair and recognized the agreement signed between USAID and BKT for the financing of the agrobusiness sector with the value of 15 million euro.

Mr. Pencabligil underlined the vital importance of the agriculture development with the aim at returning the country as self-sufficient in terms of the fulfilling the needs for agriculture products.

BKT AGRO Loan is designed in three segments such as Agro Special Loan, Agro Support Loan and Agro Loan. The segments are defined so that their specifications may fulfill SMEs’ needs for financement in the agriculture sector.

BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 2.1 billion USD in assets and 1.7 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 81 branches out of which 58 are situated in Albania and 23 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region. BKT has been recently evaluated as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2012” by the eminent British magazine Euromoney, following the evaluations as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2011” by the other two prestigious British magazines The Banker and EMEA FINANCE.

The first generation of the students in Faculty of the Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP) was graduated on September 13, 2011.

The first generation of the students in Faculty of the Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP) was graduated on September 13, 2011. In the graduation ceremony the Minister of Education and Sciences Mr. Myqerem Tafaj, the Minister for Innovation and for Information and Communication Technology Mr. Genc Pollo, the Rector of Aleksandër Moisiu Durrës University, Mr. Mithat Mema, CEO and Board Member of Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil and other representatives from public and private institutions, partners of FASTIP Program addressed to the participants.

17 students were graduated, out of whom 15 had the pleasure and honor to take along with their diplomas their working contract with BKT, starting immediately working in the available positions in the Bank.

Mr. Pencabligil said that he was very happy to see a very bold but at the same time very necessary initiative come true. This initiative has been embraced and integrated in the human resources policies of BKT.

FASTIP is a very innovative program in the educational market in Albania, since according to this program, based in the business-university partnership, the students have the opportunity to fulfill their internship in the responsible organization, thus guaranteeing their immediate employment right after their graduation.


London, UK (July 5th , 2012) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded as “The Best Bank of Albania” in Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2012 by pre-eminent international finance magazine Euromoney. The award was presented during Euromoney Awards for Excellence Dinner in London on July 5 to Mr. Mehmet Usta, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of BKT.

Commenting on the award, Mr. Mehmet Usta, Chairman of the Board of Directors said "I was delighted to receive this prestigious award on behalf of everyone in BKT. This award recognizes our enormous and steady growth, stable profitability, huge expansion in product range and successful performance that we have shown especially in the last years.”

"We have always known how to take advantage of the crises and treat them as opportunities. This award, which is in line with previous ones received recently by other esteemed financial institutions, shows that success belongs to the one that is well prepared and knows how to adapt to difficult times, " added Seyhan Pencabligil, CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of BKT.

Euromoney Magazine, published by Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC, is a monthly periodical dedicated to international banking finance and capital markets news, analysis, foreign exchange, asset management, investment banking, private banking, debt and equity markets. The Awards for Excellence honor institutions and individuals that demonstrate leadership, innovation, and provide the highest levels of service and expertise to their customers. The publisher, Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC, with its main offices located in London, New York and Hong Kong, is listed on the London Stock Exchange and a member of the FTSE-250 share index. It is a leading international business-to-business media group focused primarily on the international finance sector which publishes more than 100 magazines, newsletters and journals.

BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 2.1 billion USD in assets and 1.7 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 82 branches out of which 59 are situated in Albania and 23 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region. BKT has been recently evaluated as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2011” by the prestigious British magazines The Banker for three times and twice in a row and EMEA FINANCE twice in a row.


Tirana, Albania (2 July, 2012) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare keeps expanding its branch network, reaching a total of 83 branches, out of which 60 branches in Albania and 23 branches in Kosova.

The newest branch opened Liqeni Branch will provide all the range of products and services to all BKT clients.

Contacts of the branch are below:

Liqeni Branch:

Address: Rruga “ Kopshti Botanik”, Tirana,, Albania

Tel: +355 4 24 65 312; +355 4 24 65 314

BKT Supports Albanian Orphans

In cooperation with the National Institute For Albanian Orphans, BKT has supported the event that took place in May 20, National Day of Albanian Orphans. In the activity where the Ambassador of OSCE Presence in Albania, Mr. Eugen Walfarth took place, the orphans appealed to the responsible institutions for the protection of their rights since they are a category in need for love and support. BKT AWARDED AS BANK OF THE YEAR 2011 BY EMEA FINANCE MAGAZINE

London, UK (May 17th, 2012) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2011”, based on its superior growth, overall performance and innovation shown during 2011 by the prestigious British magazine EMEA Finance for the second time consecutively.

The award was delivered to Mr. Mehmet Usta, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of BKT, in the ceremony that took place in London on May 17, 2012.

EMEA Finance, one of the most important financial magazines in the world that follows developments in the financial markets in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa, awards each year best banks and financial institutions in these markets.

BKT, which recently celebrated its 86th anniversary, is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 2.1 billion USD in assets and 1.7 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 82 branches out of which 59 are situated in Albania and 23 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region. BKT has been recently evaluated as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2011” by the prestigious British magazine The Banker three times in total and twice in a row.

World Savings Banks Institute (WSBI) elects new Board of Directors.

First time an Albanian bank is on the Board Marrakesh, Morocco (May 11th, 2012) – World Savings Banks Institute (WSBI) has elected the new Board of Directors in the 19th Meeting of the General Assembly that took place in Marrakesh, Morocco. The new Board of Directors, whose mandate is for the period from 2012 till 2015, is composed of different representatives from WSBI Regional Groups including Europe, Latin American/Caribbean, Asia/Pacific and Africa.

Among the seven other members from Europe coming from Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Luxembourg, for the first time in the history of this prestigious organization, Albanian bank’s representatives, Mr. Mehmet Usta, Chairman of BKT and Mr. Seyhan Pencapligil, CEO and Board Member of BKT, are elected as the Member and Alternate Member of WSBI’s Board of Directors, respectively.

Brussels based WSBI works closely with international financial institutions and represents its members’ interests at an international level. WSBI, the international retail banking association that brings together 110 banks and associations from 89 countries, is committed to the “3 R’s” of banking:

- Retail: their main market focus is on individuals, SMEs and/or local authorities.

- Regional: they provide access to financial services through a broad network of outlets.

- Responsible: they demonstrate responsibility both in their business approach and towards the society in which they operate.

BKT, which joined WSBI on 21 September 2009, as the sole member from Albania, currently holds the position of National Coordinator. Representation with its Chairman and CEO and Board Member in the Board of Directors of such an important international organization reaffirms the good track that BKT is following in the direction of high service quality, innovation, expansion of the network, financial stability and profitability.

BKT has also been recently evaluated as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2011” by the prestigious British magazine, The Banker.


Tirana, Albania (April 10th, 2012) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded as The Best Bank of Albania based on its superior growth, overall performance and innovation shown during 2011 by the prestigious British magazine EMEA Finance for the second time consecutively. The award, which was recently announced, will be delivered in the ceremony that will take place in London on May 17, 2012.

EMEA Finance, one of the most important financial magazines in the world that follows developments in the financial markets in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa, awards each year best banks and financial institutions in these markets.

Another inspiring evaluation has been JCR Eurasia Rating’s reaffirmation of the credit rating ‘AAA (Alb)’ along with a ‘stable’ outlook to Banka Kombetare Tregtare Sh.A. (BKT), on the long term national scale, which denotes the highest investment grade. This rating has been given to BKT for the fourth time in a row. Furthermore, JCR-ER increases BKT’s Long Term International Local Currency Grade to “BB+” in parallel with the increase in the Country grade.

2011 has been a year full of evaluations and awards. WELLS FARGO, one of the biggest American banks, has given to BKT “2011 Straight-Through-Processing (STP) Award”. This award testifies the high accuracy and efficiency of BKT in transfer payments which result in higher customer satisfaction.

BKT, which recently celebrated its 86th anniversary, is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 1.9 billion USD in assets and 1.6 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 82 branches out of which 59 are situated in Albania and 23 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region. BKT has been recently evaluated as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2011” by the prestigious British magazine The Banker three times in total and twice in a row.


Tirana, Albania (5 March, 2012) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare keeps expanding its branch network, reaching a total of 82 branches, out of which 59 branches in Albania and 23 branches in Kosova.

The two newest branches opened Hoxha Tahsim Branch and Kashar Branch will provide all the range of products and services to all BKT clients.

Contacts of the branches are below:

Kashar Branch:

Address : Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 7, Kashar, Albania

Tel : +355 4 2291727/8

Hoxha Tahsim Branch:

Address : Rr. Hoxha Tahsim, Tirana, Albania

Tel : +355 4 2268199/201



Tirana, Albania (December 1ST, 2011) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) has been re-awarded as “Bank of the Year 2011 for Albania” by The Banker, the banking sector’s magazine of Financial Times. The ceremony took place in London The Intercontinental Park Lane Hotel in 30 November 2011 while the award was taken by Mr. Mehmet Usta, Chairman of the Board of BKT, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, CEO and Board Member and Mr. Kaan Pekin, Treasury and Financial Institutions Group Head.

"Being awarded as Bank of the Year 2011 for Albania, in our 86th anniversary is very significant. We showed a consistently high and profitable performance during 2011 reaching a Return on Assets of 23%." said Chairman of the Board, Mehmet Usta. "More importantly, the bank's high profitability has been accompanied by an increased market share in total assets that stands at an all-time high of 17.24% in a market where almost all banks belong to foreign banking groups.”.

BKT, which recently celebrated its 86th anniversary, is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 1.9 billion USD in assets and 1.6 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 82 branches out of which 60 are situated in Albania and 22 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region. BKT has been continuously awarded as the Best Bank in Albania reaching lately the evaluation as “Best Bank for 2010 in Albania” by the both prestigious magazines “The Banker” and EMEA Finance. Deutsche Bank also awarded BKT lately with the “2010 Straight-Through-Processing (STP) Excellence Award”. BKT is the only bank that has been reaffirmed for the third year in a row by JCR-Eurasia Rating with AAA(Alb).


Vlora, Albania (November 15, 2011) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare celebrated the 85th anniversary of the opening of its Vlora Branch with the participation of the prefect of Vlora County, Mr. Eduard Veçani and other important participants. This branch is the one of the oldest banking institution in Albania and has been established in November 15, 1926 in Flag Square in Vlora.

For this occasion, the exterior architecture of the building, a very well-known landmark in Vlora, has been rehabilitated while the interior design of the branch has been renewed in order both to better reveal the characteristics of the building and to make the branch more user-friendly for our customers.

“We are very happy to inherit such an important and significant branch and all our actions have been in line with the respective responsibility. Our efforts to make the oldest commercial bank in Albania the most modern one by providing the best products and services, will continue.” said Seyhan Pencapligil, CEO and Board Member of BKT. “In this important anniversary I would like to share with you the joy of the good news that BKT, unlike many of its competitors, has been increasing its deposits and business faster than ever

Vlora Branch is the third oldest branch of BKT, after Durrës Branch, 85th anniversary of which was celebrated last year in November.

About BKT

BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 1.8 billion USD in assets and 1.6 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 82 branches out of which 62 are situated in Albania and 20 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region. BKT has been continuously awarded as the Best Bank in Albania reaching lately the evaluation as “Best Bank of Albania for 2010” by the prestigious British magazine “The Banker”. BKT is the only bank that has been reaffirmed for the third year in a row by JCR-Eurasia Rating with AAA(Alb). The first generation of the students in Faculty of the Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP) was graduated on September 13, 2011.

The first generation of the students in Faculty of the Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP) was graduated on September 13, 2011. In the graduation ceremony the Minister of Education and Sciences Mr. Myqerem Tafaj, the Minister for Innovation and for Information and Communication Technology Mr. Genc Pollo, the Rector of Aleksandër Moisiu Durrës University, Mr. Mithat Mema, CEO and Board Member of Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil and other representatives from public and private institutions, partners of FASTIP Program addressed to the participants.

17 students were graduated, out of whom 15 had the pleasure and honor to take along with their diplomas their working contract with BKT, starting immediately working in the available positions in the Bank.

Mr. Pencabligil said that he was very happy to see a very bold but at the same time very necessary initiative come true. This initiative has been embraced and integrated in the human resources policies of BKT.

FASTIP is a very innovative program in the educational market in Albania, since according to this program, based in the business-university partnership, the students have the opportunity to fulfill their internship in the responsible organization, thus guaranteeing their immediate employment right after their graduation.

Maturante: Po projektoni karrieren tuaj si bankiere te ardhshem?

BKT ofron bursa te plota studimi ne Fakultetitin e Studimeve te Integruara me Praktiken, Dega Menaxhim i Bankar, prane Universitetit “Aleksander Moisiu Durres, per te tre vitet e studimit deri ne diplomim si dhe programe praktike pune prane degeve te saj.

Te diplomuarit e pare ne FASTIP, ne 15 Shtator 2011 se bashku me Diplomen do te perfitojne dhe Kontrata Punesimi ne BKT!

Aplikoni nepermjet zgjedhjes ne Formularin A2 ne shkollat tuaja te mesme

Universiteti i DURRESIT “Aleksander Moisiu”: Dega Menaxhim i Bankave FASTIP, kodi programit 258.

Njohja e gjuhes angleze eshte kriter selektues


Tirana, Albania (July 1st, 2011) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is reelected as Bank of Albania for 2010 by the prestigious magazine EMEA Finance. CEO and Board Member Mr. Seyhan Pencapligil, Board Member Dr. Ismail Ergener and Vice CEO for Treasury and Financial Institutions Mr. Kaan Pekin participated in the ceremony organized yesterday for this occasion in Schonbrunn Castle in Vienna.

EMEA Finance, one of the most important financial magazines in the world that follows developments in the financial markets in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa, awards each year best banks and financial institutions in these markets.

BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 1.7 billion USD in assets and 1.4 billion of USD in deposits. BKT, which celebrated its 85th anniversary few times ago, has 77 branches out of which 58 are situated in Albania and 19 of them in Kosovo, thus making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region. BKT has been continuously awarded as the Best Bank in Albania reaching lately the evaluation as “Best Bank of Albania for 2010” by The Banker magazine. BKT is the only Albanian bank that has been reaffirmed for the third year in a row by JCR-Eurasia Rating with AAA (Alb).


Tirana, Albania (21 April, 2011) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, in line with the aim at being closer to its corporate clients, has organized the Foreign Trade Practices Seminar. In this seminar organized with the support of Aktif Bank, one of the most important investment banks in Turkey, participated many of the biggest trading and production companies in Albania, leaders in their respective sectors. “ Our aim is not only to increase BKT’s share in foreign trade business, but also to increase the usage of modern foreign trade instruments by albanian business”, said Mr Seyhan Pencapligil, CEO and Board Member of BKT. “Albania is the last in the region in terms of froreign trade practices, and this is not acceptable”, he added. Mr Pencapligil, who is also the chairman of the Albanian Association of Banks said that they are also trying to make Albania a member of International Chamber of Commerce, ICC.

This seminar is the first of its kind ever organized in Albania. Main subject of the seminar was recognizing the main benefits and advantages in using trade finance instruments in the business, especially Letter of Credits. The participants also had the chance to exchange their ideas and experiences in order to promote a better collaboration environment.

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, chosen as Bank of the Year 2010 for Albania from the prestigious magazine The Banker, is the second largest bank in the country and at the same time the only bank in Albania that has been rated three times in a row with AAA (Alb) from the prestigious institution JCR-ER. BKT has 75 branches, out of which 17 are in Kosova.


Tirana, Albania (4 March, 2011) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare keeps issuing attractive offers to its clients. Now all BKT clients may use many of its products and services free of charge. Among these products, BKT clients may use outgoing transfers within Albania up to 1,5 million Lek, all incoming transfers in Lek, registration and usage of “Internet” Branch and Mobile Banking, emigrant transfers up to 1,000 Euro/USD/GBP/CAD/CHF,invoice payment or direct debit from account and many other products and services. “We operate in a fully competitive market and want to become as attractive as we can for our clients” says Z. Seyhan Pencapligil, CEO and Board Member of BKT. “Our focus on client service and our extraordinarily competitive offers make our clients feel differentiated”, he adds further.Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, chosen as Bank of the Year 2010 for Albania from the prestigious magazine The Banker, is the second largest bank in the country and at the same time the only bank in Albania that has been rated with AAA (Alb) from the prestigious institution JCR-ER. BKT has 73 branches, out of which 16 are in Kosova.



BANK OF THE YEAR Tirana, Albania (December 7th, 2010) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) has been awarded as “Bank of the Year 2010 for Albania” by The Banker, the banking sector’s magazine of Financial Times. The ceremony took place in London Park Lane Hotel in 2 December 2010 while the award was taken by Mr. Mehmet Usta,Chairman of the Board of BKT "We showed a consistently high and profitable performance during 2010 reaching a Return on Assets of 28%." said Chairman of the Board, Mehmet Usta. "More importantly, the bank's high profitability has been accompanied by an increased market share that stands at an all-time high of 17.5% in a market where almost all banks belong to foreign banking groups.”BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 1.5 billion USD in assets and 1.3 billion of USD in deposits.BKT network includes 71 branches out of which 58 are situated in Albania and 13 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region. BKT has been continuously awarded as the Best Bank in Albania reaching lately the evaluation as “Best Bank for 2009 in South East Europe” by the magazine Finance Central Europe. BKT is the only bank that has been reaffirmed for the third year in a roby JCR-Eurasia Rating with

AAA(Alb), and by (1-Strong) by the Bank of Albania for the fifth year in a row.

Other Announcements

Announcement for clients
Announcement for clients
Stacioni i Trenit Branch Reallocation
Stacioni i Trenit Branch Reallocation
Terms & Conditions valid from September 18, 2024
Terms & Conditions for Retail valid from September 18, 2024